Virtual Mare Inspection Request Form

Please complete this form to request a Virtual Mare Book Inspection for mares not already inspected into a Westfalen Mare book. Mares will still need to be seen at an In Person inspection for actual scoring, when possible. For registration of foals and youngstock needing a passport, please fill out a Mail-In Registration Form:

No spaces or hypens.
Please upload a copy of mare's registration papers
Attach pedigree if not listed on registration papers
Optional - if your mare has show results or inspection status with another registry please upload that paperwork here
More information about your mare, her production and/or show record or pedigree notes

Upload Photos (you may also email photos to

Provide Youtube or Facebook Video Links here. If you would like to send actual video files please email to Be sure to include the identity of horses in video as well as the date of filming. Include conformation standing, front, rear and side views, walk toward and away from camera, walk on a large oval or triangle, and trot and canter (optional) at liberty. Under saddle or show footage may also be added.
If your mare already has DNA on file with another registry or individual, please let us know who to ask
Please Select One DNA Test Option. WFFS testing is optional.
Select 'Pay Now' if you wish to pay by Payal or Credit Card; Select ‘Pay Later' if you wish to mail in a Check, Cash, or Moneyorder, if your DNA is already complete, or if you are completing DNA at a later time.

Westfalen Verband NA • P.O. Box 429 • Murdo, SD 57559 • phone: SD Office: 605.669.2200 • SD Fax: 605.734.8060 • Email: • Website: Contact us with any questions